Your Beauty Is More Than Your Body


Guys!!! You have to check out Eberjey’s swimsuit collection. There are so many flattering styles you can choose from in the most gorgeous colors and prints. What I love the most is that their swimsuit line truly embodies what the brand believes…. that the layer worn next to the heart should express happiness, love, and confidence­, all the things that make a woman truly beautiful.

So that got me thinking…

I’m going to be honest, posting bikini pictures is intimidating. I fell into the rabbit hole of self consciousness… did I look okay in these images? Am I fit enough to be posting these? blah, blah, blah, blah!!! But then I thought… what the heck is wrong with me?! Why am I letting something so small and insignificant affect my confidence?!

I had to stop in my tracks and remind myself… I’m wearing the cutest Eberjey bathing suit, on a beautiful sunny day, and my body is special, and one of a kind, and it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks…cause it’s mine!

Feeling confident in your body is hard. Trust me… I know! It’s something that I’ve been working on for years. It doesn’t happen overnight. But whenever I begin to feel the little pang of anxiety starting to creep up on me, I stop that shit fast! I remind myself… My body is such a small part of what makes me, me.

That’s the thing with self confidence… YOU have to decide that YOU want it.


Well first, it’s so important to really put things into perspective and remind yourself that you are more than your body. What you bring to the table and to life, is more than your body. Your relationships are more than your body. Your beauty is more than your body.

I wish I could just write a list on how to find self confidence within yourself, but it’s impossible. There’s no list, magic diet, or intense workout that’s going to miraculously make you confident. Yes, these do help, but I will tell you, the key is focusing on what makes you special and what makes you a beautiful person on the inside. Doing this is what’s going start tearing down that self doubt.  So this summer, I challenge you to let go of your insecurities, realize that you are more than your body, or what others think of you and focus on the things that make you happy, feel love, and make you truly beautiful.





  1. Mariana Cordoba
    May 8, 2018 / 9:52 pm

    Love this !!!!! Awesome post !!