My Yummy Post-Workout Smoothie Recipe


So upon your request, today I’m sharing my favorite post-workout smoothie recipe! I was shocked with how many of you really wanted to know the deets on how to make it…I’ll workout in the mornings and then will have this as my breakfast. It’s just so perfect, because it’s extremely filling… which is awesome cause this girl is ALWAYS HANGRY! I’m not exaggerating when I say it’s seriously SO yummy! It tastes like a chocolate peanut butter shake, it’s extremely healthy and it’s ridiculously easy to make… what is better than that… Absolutely nothing peeps!

So here’s what you’ll need:

a Blender or a Nutri-Bullet


1 frozen Banana

3-4 strawberries

Chocolate protein powder  (I use about half a scoop of  Whey Isolated Protein Chocolate Powder)

1/4c Old Fashioned Organic Oats

1 teaspoon of Justin’s peanut butter spread

1 tablespoon of Chobani original non-fat greek yogurt

1 tablespoon of Golden Flaxseeds (I add this, because I need more fiber in my diet)

A little less than a cup of  Original (Unsweetened) Almond Breeze milk

4 Ice cubes

What To Do: 

Stick it all in the blender/bullet, blend, serve and enjoy! 😉  You can play around with the liquids in the recipe to make it as thick as you like or adjust the fruit servings if you want to bring out those flavors.

In case you want to see what the ingredients look like, I linked them in the widget below!



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