The Outfit Repeater: The Pieces I Wear Over & Over

Happy Friday and Happy Feb 1st guys! So excited because today I’m introducing a new series to the blog… The Outfit Repeater. There are a few pieces in my wardrobe that are my go-tos… the pieces that literally are life saving when it comes to getting dressed in a pinch. In today’s post I’ve put together three outfits just using my favorite basics… my night out look, my daytime look, and then my extremely chill and casual look. These are the wardrobe staples that I reach for over and over again but restyle them into new looks every time.

So here’s where the series comes in! Every Friday of this month I’m going to be sharing a YouTube video on how I style my closet staples into completely different looks. We all have those pieces that we wear on rotation, so this will share how you can easily create a whole new wave of outfits in your wardrobe using your favorite basics. Today, I’m starting off by sharing my repeat offenders that pretty much make up the base of my everyday looks. Next week I’ll be sharing a YouTube video on how to restyle one of them and so on.

Can’t wait to share this with you guys!

To SHOP my basics just click on the product…

My Night Out Look

My Daytime Look

My Extremely Chill And Casual Look


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