New Seasons Bring New Beginnings: Fall Goals




Happy October! I’m so excited to start the new season. I don’t know, I just have a good feeling about this Fall. Not only do I love the next couple of months because of all the festivities, but I just love the idea of a new season bringing new beginnings. It’s a re-fresh to start new goals and get things accomplished. Today, I want to share some of the things I hope to get done this new season! I’m partly writing it down so that I don’t forget lol, and so that I can look back at it. I also hope it encourages you to give these last few months of 2018 your best! While some of these are serious goals, others are just little things that I want to get done before the year ends. Feel free to share some of your goals in the comments below! I’d love to hear what you have on your mind!


1. Grow my blog: This goal is most definitely not just for these three months! I am really pushing myself to treat this blog as a business. Starting a business is scary… and taking a risk on yourself is even more terrifying, but I’m confident in what I can do and in my work. My goal is to grow my readership, my collaborations, the relationship I have with my followers, and really build a business from the ground up. It’ll definitely be the most challenging goal, but honestly it’s one of the most exciting ones for me.

2. Workout at least 5 times a week: I  try to workout 6 days a week, but sometimes my body and heart say “Hell no girl!”…. It’s a struggle for me to get started but once I’m doing it and finish… it’s the best feeling! I do stay really healthy for the most part, but I just want to experiment a little more with my workouts and with nutrition. You know, try something new!

3. Clean out my closet and post stuff on Poshmark: Such a small thing but for some reason I don’t finish making time to do this! I have so much stuff to post for you guys and promise I’ll be doing this very soon!!! Stay tuned lol

4. Wake Up Earlier: Such a simple goal, but surprisingly really difficult. I have at least 5 alarms set up to wake me up in the AM and sometimes that still doesn’t get the job done! I think I need to get to bed little earlier to accomplish this one!

5. Watch one Halloween movie a week in October: Silly, but it’ll make me happy. I LOVE Halloween and the month of October, so why not celebrate with one scary or not so scary Halloween movie a week!

6. Be patient: Something that I really need to work on. I’m the type of person that wants to see things happen right away and get frustrated when they don’t. But that’s not life lol! So I definitely need to work on it, but hey, it made the list, and I’m going to really push myself on this one!

7. Get off my phone and enjoy the people around me: I’m definitely good about this! If I’m not at a work event, and I’m around people, friends, or family, I usually have my phone put away. But lately I’ve caught myself reaching for it more often than not. There have been times that I even think “Wait, when did I take out my phone and start scrolling through insta?!?!”… Its just become such habit. But a habit that I’m breaking early! I just want to take a step back and be more conscious of it. As great as a tool the phone can be, there’s nothing like giving someone your full attention and being present in the moment!

