Hello Olivia: Girls Facebook Group

And just like that, we have a facebook group!

After publishing “A Post For All My Single Gals Out There” on the blog, I got an overwhelming amount of feed back telling me how much you loved and connected to it! It really opened up my eyes to how much we all really relate to one another. So I’m creating this group so that us girls can connect, help each other out, support one another and just have a place where we can ask questions/ask for advice/tell stories/vent! 

So there’s only one rule for now and that is: Be Kind! 
There’s no room for bullying here. This is a space where women will respect women! If you have nothing nice to say, please don’t say it at all… Just keep scrolling on if that’s the case. There’s too much hate and judgment on the internet and this group will have no room for that! I want this group to be a safe space where we lift each other up every chance we get… a group we can all call our own!

Anyways, as of right now the group name is Hello Olivia Peeps, but I’m totally up for some name suggestions! So let me know if you have any cute ideas!

Can’t wait to connect with you all!<3
