The Changes I’ve Seen After Honing In On These 4 Healthy Habits


I love working towards a healthier lifestyle. For me, I’ve noticed that some of the simplest tweaks within my everyday life can actually have the biggest effects. So today I’m sharing 4 Healthy Habits I’m honing in on and the changes I’ve seen since doing so.

  • Drinking water with Fiber: Are you hungry? Drink water. Is your skin acting up? Drink water. You feeling sluggish? Drink water. More times than not, water is always the answer. It’s the magic drink! And more times than not, I don’t drink enough of it throughout my day. So lately I’ve been really trying to make sure I drink a tall glass of water, every hour, but… I’ve been adding fiber! My fiber intake is very low and for years my doctor has been trying to drill it in my head that the answer to all the above questions isn’t just more water, but that I need to have water AND add fiber. The fiber helps eliminate waste and keeps my hormones in check. She’d be thrilled to know it’s finally stuck with me… I finally honed in on making sure I add my fiber to my water every morning and night. Since doing so, I have to tell you, I actually feel so much better… it could be my mind playing tricks on me, but I like to believe it’s really working. It’s been about 3 weeks and I’ve immediately seen my skin clam down! I had been struggling with major break outs and cystic acne for about 2 months and finally (knock on wood, hopefully I don’t jinx this) my skin has chilled out. If this is just in 3 weeks, I can’t wait to see what will happen in 2 months, 5 months, and 9 months from now!
  • Getting 8 hours of sleep (no more and no less): This is a BIG one for me!!! I literally have a little alarm on my phone that reminds me every night when it’s time for me to go to bed just so I can get 8 hours lol! More or less on week days, I like to be up around 7am, so I try my hardest to be in bed (phone off) by 11 o’clock. Obviously there are nights, like last night, where I want to catch up on my TV shows (shout out to This Is Us), or I have to finish up some work, but out of all these healthy habits, this is the most important one to me. The thing is, before I started honing in on this, I was feeling supppppppper sluggish during the day. The clock would strike 3pm and I was dying of exhaustion. It was a horrible case of “afternoon slump.” After a while, I got tired of ALWAYS being tired hahaa! But I have to tell you, getting your full 8 hours of sleep is so underrated! This simple change has had such a positive impact on my everyday life. My afternoon slump is gone, my days are SO much more productive, I’m in a better mood, and I feel so much more in control. But I hear ya, being an adult is hard, and sometimes getting your full 8 hours of sleep is not at the top of your priority list. But I really encourage you to try, even if it’s twice a week. You’ll be so happy you did and it makes adulting a bit easier… Well that and coffee of course!
  • Focusing on my step in take: My mom recently got a Fitbit and she’s become obsessed with seeing how much she’s walks/the steps she’s taken throughout the day… And the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, because so have I! I don’t have a Fitbit or an Apple Watch, but I have been keeping track of the average steps I take on the Health app on my phone. I’m a HUGE fitness lover and go to the gym daily, but counting my steps has become somewhat of challenge/game for me. I’m definitely more conscious and motivated to make sure I’m constantly moving my body and not staying stuck in one place for too long!
  • Making up my bed, as soon as I get up: I’m not talking about making your coffee and then coming back to make up your bed. Or going to take a quick shower and then coming back to straighten your sheets. I’m talking about… eyes open, feet touch the floor, and you’re already grabbing your pillows and putting your comforter into place! This one is probably the most annoying one for me, because let’s be honest… it’s just a pain lol! But holy cow, it makes such a difference in the type of day I’m gong to have! I don’t know why a made up bed = a more on point/productive day… but it does! For some reason the two just correlate.

So there you have it! The 4 habits I’ve challenged myself to incorporate into my daily routine. They’ve definitely had a positive impact so far. So if you are not feeling your best or want to start making positive changes, start slow. Challenge yourself to incorporate maybe one habit a week and slowly build from there. Slow and steady always wins the race! (:


  1. October 21, 2019 / 2:32 pm

    These are all such good habits – it’s nice to get back to the basics and focus on the little things that are actually really big things! I’ve been reading a book (taking me forever, LOL) called Why We Sleep. Super interesting stuff and it’s really gotten me to protect my 8 hours of sleep each night! Thanks for sharing, girl.

    Kathryn •