The 411 On Laser Hair Removal

Not having to worry about shaving ever again?… I’m in!

Let’s talk Laser Hair Removal. Today I’m breaking down my experience with the treatments. I’m answering the most asked questions from you guys, along with the burning questions I had when I first started…. And of course the most common question of them all… Does it really work?

What areas did you get Laser Hair Removal done on?

So I ended up getting laser hair removal in three areas… my underarms, my upper lip and my chin. My underarms were the biggest issue! I wasn’t super hairy, but at the time I was shaving every day (I know crazy right), but this was because I had dance rehearsal 7 days a week and wanted my underarms clean of any hair (*rolls eyes* lol). If I’m shaving everyday, of course the skin is going to be irritated! What happened was I developed a horrible rash, ingrown hairs, and/or dark pigmentation (a shadow) that honestly looked worse than the hair. Then I ended up doing my upper lip and chin as well because it was just a random area that I didn’t like to get waxed- I didn’t want to stretch out the skin in such a sensitive spot.

Where did you go?

I went to my endocrinologist. Her specialties include Diabetes, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, Internal Medicine and Beauty Treatments. Laser was always something that intrigued me. After one of my regular checkups, we got to talking about it and she informed me that they did the laser treatments there at the office. After looking into it and being familiar with my doctor’s work/trusting her, I decided to get the treatments done there. Biggest piece of advice, do your research on the doctor performing the treatments. I can’t stress this enough. It’s important to remember that you are dealing with lasers and sensitive areas on your body… finding the right Dr is #1! I know people that didn’t really care where they went and ended up with burns. Don’t rush into it, find people that recommend good doctors and then make the decision for yourself. If you are from Miami and want my Dr.’s info, you can always reach out and I’d be happy to share with you! (:

Does it hurt?

Yes and No. Because my underarms were literally raw, yes… it hurt! BUT thank GOD, they have numbing cream. Upper lip and chin doesn’t hurt, it just feels like a little zap. I will say, do not go when you are on your period and/or about to get your period. Your skin is much more sensitive during that time, so even in areas that would normally be no issue, it’ll hurt lol. I had to learn the hard way!

Laser Hair Removal common misconceptions

Everyone thinks when you do laser that you’ll never have to shave again. That unfortunately is not always true for everyone. I learned quickly, that it all depends on the area you’re getting laser done, the pigmentation of your skin, the natural color of your hair, and your hormones. It also isn’t just a one and done type of deal. It’s a process that is cut into sessions over a few months with periodic maintenance.

So does it work?

This goes back to what I mentioned in the misconception section. Because I have an olive skin tone and my hair is naturally dark, I am one of the people that will always have to shave… BUT… The hair is considerably much thinner and lighter. My underarms are no longer irritated, once I shave I won’t have stubble appear as quickly as it used to. The hair is much finer and it comes in much less than what it did.

The same goes for my upper lip and chin, the hair is much thinner and it lasts about two months. It looks like it’s definitely an area that I’ll have to keep an eye on though. My underarms are simple, I just shave when hair starts to come in, but with my face… that’s really not an option for me. So laser is the best and easiest route.

Was it worth it?

Even though I have to shave here and there (and/or keep an eye on my upper lip) I think it’s worth it! I couldn’t imagine having to deal with the irritation and dark pigmentation that I used to have. It may have not permanently gotten rid of the hair, but it did help the overall texture of my skin, the aggressive rashes, and the actual thickness of the hair.

All in all, I say try it if you’ve been debating on doing it or not. To this day (pre-COVID of course lol) I still go in every few months and love the results!

If you have any questions about anything you can always leave it in the comments section or send me a quick message! I’m not a pro or a doctor, but I can tell you about my experience or happily guide you towards the right answer! (: Hope this helped you guys in some way.

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