Summer Fitness Series: Part 1


With summer right around the corner, I thought it would be a great idea to start up a Summer Fitness Series to get us motivated to feel our best!  I want to create a space that will help us feel good and confident in ourselves.  I thought what a better way than to share some fun, different, and active workout routines. Sometimes it’s not easy to be completely comfortable in our bodies and most of us have days where we feel better than others. Lord knows I’ve struggled with feeling comfortable in my own skin. I find that exercising and eating healthy can make a big difference in how we view ourselves and can be a confidence booster!

Now, I’m not a fitness expert. These are just some of the exercises I do to try and stay in shape.

For Part 1, I’m starting off with easy and simple exercises by incorporating a little cardio and targeting areas to tone up. These exercises can be done anywhere whether you’re on vacation, at home, or outdoors. The purpose is to warm up those muscles and get your body moving! As we progress into the series we’ll kick it up a notch!
Ladies, we can do this!!! Let’s get those summer bodies ready and toned! We only have one body, so let’s be proud and feel good in it!

P.S. Don’t forget to enter the Alex and Ani & Hello Olivia GIVEAWAY!
Today is the LAST DAY to enter!!!!
You could be the lucky winner!!

Warm up

To warm up let’s start off by stretching! After you feel like you’re stretched, start with a light 2-3 minute jog.





Next up, squats! Stand with toes facing forward and legs a little wider than shoulder width. As you squat sit back and make sure to drive all your weight into your heels. Your knees should not go over your toes. When you stand up, squeeze that booty!
-3 Reps of 25 regular
-3 Reps of 15 Pulsing squats
*You can alternate

Bridge Twists




This move really works that waist line and warms up those abs, It even works a little butt and thighs! First, set yourself into a simple bridge, twist all the way to one side with your arm extended. Next, dip your booty down (don’t let it touch the floor) and twist to the other side. Make sure to keep those abs engaged, keep your balance,  and keep that booty squeezed throughout. You really want to twist as much as you can during this move.
-2 Reps of 40

Core Sets


Let’s work those abs! The trick to this move is to keep those ab muscles engaged at all times!!!  You want to start off in the position shown above. Make sure you keep your balance! Next, dip your booty/hip down towards the ground (don’t allow your hip to touch the floor, just keep it right above). Squeeze your booty and thighs throughout this routine.
-3 Reps of 15

Contraction Kicks



Contraction kicks is a great exercise to work your glutes, thighs, and arms! During this exercise you want to keep your form sturdy and abs engaged. You’re going to kick your leg back, slowly bring it into a contraction and repeat. To target those arms, I like to add a little flare! You’re going to do the same motion as described before but now you’re going to have one arm holding you up while the other reaches forward as you kick back. Then bring your arm in while you contract.
-3 Reps of 25

Donkey Kicks



Hamstring focus! For this move you’re concentrating on the muscles that lift your booty! You want to make sure your body form is sturdy and everything is engaged. You’re going to keep that leg bent. Lift it up and bring it back down slowly.
-3 Reps pf 40

Classic Lunges


Who doesn’t love classic lunges?!?… Not me.. but they are awesome for your legs! Make sure your knee doesn’t go over your toe and drive all your weight into your heel!
-3 Reps pf 35 Alternating

Butt Lifts



Let’s make it burn!! For this move simply lay on your back, bend your legs, and place your hands on either side of you. Lift your hips up towards the sky, squeeze that booty, and bring it back down.
-3 Reps of 45



To loosen up those muscles  let’s start up a light jog for about a minute or so. Next you’re going to bring it up a notch. It’s time to sprint! You’re going to do ten sprints back and forth with the distance of about 15ft.
-Do this 2 times


-Remember to stay hydrated! Drink lots of water to keep your body fueled!
-Don’t overdo it. It’s okay if you can’t do every exercise or every rep! Don’t let it discourage you! Everyone goes at a different pace. Start off with what feels right for your body, and work your way up!
-Stay motivated! You can do this! (:
