So, You’ve Been Rejected. Same… Here’s How I’m Owning It


So, you’ve been rejected. Same! Maybe your crush turned you down, maybe you didn’t get into the school you wanted, or maybe you didn’t get the job/position you’ve been working for… I’ve been there…let’s be honest we all have.

The fear of rejection is real. I think it’s probably the biggest thing that holds most of us back in life. Personally my fear of rejection comes out the most in terms of dating… For most things in my life, I think more along the lines of, “Everything happens for a reason. I work hard, I make goals, I execute them, and I try to be the best I can be. So if it doesn’t work out the way I want it to, then it clearly wasn’t for me”.

But for some reason, I always seem to forget that when it comes to dating… the worst thing I do is take the rejection personally. I start to overthink and analyze everything I did, call up my friends for their opinions on the situation, ask my parents what they think and so on. It’s exhausting lol. I would save myself so much energy if I just realized that “Everything happens for a reason, so if it doesn’t work out the way I want it, then it wasn’t for me”… It’s much easier said than actually accepting it, but it doesn’t mean I’m not going to try to drill it in my brain.

Here’s the thing, rejection suckssss and it hurts in any scenario but what if we change the way we see rejection?

I heard some advice on a podcast recently and here’s what I’m thinking of doing from now on: Instead of letting rejection get the best of my emotions, I’m going to try reframing it. Reframe it to, “Hold on, this is actually exciting… cause now I’m being more efficient in figuring out that (this guy, this job, this school, this friendship, etc.) isn’t for me. I still have that exciting moment to look forward to, that moment where I do meet the right guy for me, or I do get the job of my dreams, or accepted into that competitive, prestigious school!”

It’s difficult to automatically reframe your way of thinking and to just let things be… trust me, I LOVEEEEE to control situations, so I get how hard it is… But at the end of the day, you just gotta remember that everything falls into place exactly the way it’s meant to. The people, the experiences, and the connections we make all have a purpose and all lead us down a path that was perfectly curated for us individually. So take the rejection and own it… Don’t take it personal, but take it and try to see it in a new light! (;



  1. Isa
    March 27, 2019 / 6:46 pm

    Love you and love this! Thank you for reminding me of my worth and that everything happens for a reason whenever I need it!

    • Olivia
      March 27, 2019 / 7:28 pm

      Thank you so much for reading!!!! <3 I'm so happy you liked it

  2. Vanessa Suarez
    March 27, 2019 / 7:07 pm

    I LOVE THIS WHOLE POST. It’s so important to take step back and analyze our failures or so called failures and realize that they are just stepping stones to get to where we need to be.

    Sunday Mornings by V

    • Olivia
      March 27, 2019 / 7:27 pm

      Ahhh Thank you so much!! And exactly! All our successes and failures lead us to the place we are meant to be in life! Thanks so much for reading <3