My Tips For Working From Home


And just like that it’s a new Monday! I wanted to wait to write this post because honestly last week felt like a blur. I think most people were overwhelmed with all the news and trying to navigate this bizarre transition into self isolation/quarantine… But it’s a new week, which means a fresh start and a clearer mind!

So let’s talk about working from home. As a full time-blogger, working from home isn’t anything new to me… Even though I typically try to plan my days with outings like lunch, meetings, photoshoots, gym time, and more… I still have a few tips under my belt. So I thought I’d do a little post sharing some of the things I’ve learned to have a productive work day at home! Some of these, if not all of them, also apply for those of you that are now doing classes online.

1. MAKE YOUR BED: I know, I know, this one may cause you to roll your eyes because you either already do this, or you like to work from your bed… But I promise this is a game changer. It’s a small accomplishment that can completely set the tone for a productive day! Biggest reason to make up your bed… it’s far less tempting to get back in it when that afternoon slump hits!

2. HAVE A DESIGNATED WORK SPACE: This one is for all the peeps that I just kicked out from their bed. Even though the world feels weirdly on hold at the moment… work is not. So you’ve gotta find a way to be as productive and focused as possible. I find that having your own designated work spot, somewhat, helps keep away distractions.

3. KEEP UP WITH YOUR NORMAL MORNING ROUTINE: Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you need to jump out of bed and go straight into tackling that new project. Keep up with your normal morning routine, make your coffee, watch GMA, scroll through Pinterest, say a little prayer… whatever it may be that you do on the regular, do it!

4. KINDA GET READY: Brush your teeth, brush your hair, moisturize your face, add a little lip balm, and change out of whatever you were wearing to sleep in. It’s time to get that bread people, so make sure you’re shifting from quarantine and chill to major boss babe mode.

5. TAKE BREAKS AND GET SOME FRESH AIR: You know that feeling when you’ve been looking at a computer for way too long and your eyes feel like they’re going to burn off… Don’t let yourself get to that point! Take time to take breaks! It’s hard enough already to be cooped up in the house, so give yourself time to go outside (obviously in a safe way), go for a walk, take a drive, sit out on your balcony or patio, or watch The Morning Toast during your lunch break like I do 😉

6. EXERCISE: Whether you normally workout, or don’t… this one is the biggest and most important tip! It’s not only important to keep your body healthy, but even more so your mind. Whether you schedule it in the morning or afternoon, 20 mins or an hour and a half, just get yourself moving, your blood flowing, and I promise it’ll help you stay sane in more ways than you can imagine. If you need some workout ideas, I’ve been posting a few routines on IGTV (check it out). I’ve also got an AB workout on Youtube.

On another note, here are some home office finds I absolutely love!

Anyways, hope these help you guys in some way! Stay safe out there😘