My readers share the best advice they’ve ever been given


This exact sweater is not yet available. But will be available soon on & Other Stories site in their fall collection

Yesterday I handed the reins over to my followers for today’s post! I’ve been wanting to do something a little different where my readers have a voice on my blog!

I can put up a bunch of posts with my opinions on fashion and lifestyle, but I also value your opinions and want you to be included on my outlet. So I thought every once and a while I could ask my readers and followers a question on IG and round up your responses into a post. I bounced the idea off in an IG poll and you all seemed to love it!

So I went on IG stories and asked… What’s the best advice you’ve ever been given? Could be about career, life, dating, friendships, etc…. I was so overwhelmed with the amount of responses I got, that I had to narrow it down big time! I originally was going to do 10 but I just couldn’t keep cutting…so here’s lucky 13!

P.S. Some people chose to stay anonymous, while other’s didn’t. 


My readers share the best advice they’ve ever been given: 

1. You can always, always give something, even if it’s only kindness. – anonymous

2. Always do what makes you happy. Literally… always. – @callsmetata

3. Shut up and listen! –  anonymous

4. Do what you love, the money will follow. – @hector_fortes

5. Life is short. Take the trip. Buy the shoes. Eat the cake. – anonymous

6. Don’t let someone’s opinion become your reality. – @lexgzlz

7. No matter how hard something may seem, never give up on your dreams! You may miss out on the greatest opportunities for doubting yourself and what you’re capable of, so just go for it. You’ll thank yourself later. If you don’t, get up and keep trying until you do! – @isa_perez

8. Life is all about time management! Where there is a will, there is a way. – @marykc_

9. Believe in yourself. – anonymous

10. You can say anything you need to say to anyone, as long as it’s said in the right way –  anonymous

11. ‘What’ and ‘if’ are two words that when put together can haunt you for the rest of your life. Basically realize that you must stop second guessing things and live life with no regrets. – @estefany228

12. Fake it, till you make it. – anonymous

13. When the time is right, the Lord will make it happen. – @theog_carol


Funny enough, I took someone’s advice when it came to styling this cozy beach look. I was told…When it comes to fashion, create your own rules. So that’s exactly what I did the other day in Malibu. I had this & Other’s Stories shrug in my beach bag and thank God, because it got pretty chilly… When I went to throw it on, I accidentally put it on backwards, but I was kinda digging it! Honestly, I thought it looked really cute and different, so naturally it turned into a whole photoshoot lol! But the point is, I created my own rule and rocked it my way.

That’s why I wanted to share what you guys had to say. Even though everyone’s best advice is different, you can always take something from it and apply it in your own way.




    • September 11, 2018 / 2:45 pm

      Hmmm that is the theme behind my last blog lol