How To Recharge When You’re In A Funk



I’m going to be real with you guys…I’ve been in a funk these last few weeks… and it’s the WORSTTTTT!!!! But like my grandmother always says, “It’s ok to take your time to sulk and feel bad for yourself but mark a day on your calendar and on that day you stop the sulking and you get back on track!” Now, I know it’s much easier said than done, but I think getting yourself out of a funk definitely has a lot to do with your mindset, your surroundings, and your routine.

For me, I know it has a lot to do with the fact that I work from home at the moment. It’s a blessing and curse, to be honest! My problem is, I love to be social, be around people, and connect… obviously that is not happening at home lol! The last few weeks I’ve spent a lot of time sitting in front of my computer, getting emails out, developing blog content, etc. and I really think it’s been taking a toll on me mentally.  So I decided I need a change of scenery!  I marked my calendar and I’m making it a point to GET OUT of the house!

To some, this may seem like a basic little change, but it doesn’t always have to be a drastic switch to get out of  a rut! For me, this change is to improve my mindset, freshen up my surroundings, and spruce up my routine. Most importantly… spark my inspiration and just make me feel revived!

So if you find yourself feeling uninspired or just down in the dumps, here are a few suggestions that I am currently trying out that you may find useful:

  • Get out: If you’re working from home or even in an enclosed office for hours,  you need to get out and go outside! Staying cooped in all the time isn’t good for you or your sanity! Whether it’s going to lunch with friends, going to the mall to window shop, working from a cute coffee shop, or just taking a walk around the building, changing up your surroundings will automatically help clear your mind and get you recharged.
  • Join a gym/workout class and be consistent: Going to the gym has become my escape… I can’t even believe I’m saying that, but it’s so true! About 2 months ago I changed up my schedule and started going in the mornings, and it’s been the best decision EVER! Knowing I get to wake up and have that time for me, feels sooooooo good, but the best part is knowing I get to start off each day on the right foot! 
  • Meet up with friends or family: When you’re feeling down, sometimes all you want to do is be alone, but it’s so important to not isolate yourself.  Meeting up with friends and hitting the mall or grabbing some tacos/margaritas on Taco Tuesday is a perfect way to recharge. Whether you guys start catching up or having a vent session, talking and connecting with someone else can help relax you as well as get your mind out of the gutter!  
  • Do a hobby you enjoy: We all have hobbies we enjoy that just bring us peace. So jump right back into it! Paint, dance, play soccer, do that activity that makes you feel great and powerful. 
  • Try something new: Doing something new is a great way to spice things up. It doesn’t have to be something so new that it stresses you out, but something as simple as going to Top Golf with friends, ice skating, taking a boxing class to relieve your stress, or even taking a cooking class.  
  • Take your dog to the park or for a walk: Dogs are a great form of therapy and honestly there’s nothing sweeter than spending time with your pup. 
  • Freshen up your house: Sometimes just a little re-decorating makes things feel new again! Buy some flowers or a plant, paint your living room, maybe rearrange the furniture, declutter your space or buy a new accent piece for your office. Freshening up your environment may give you a clearer mind set. 
  • Reminisce on Memories: One of my favorite things to do is look at old home videos and travel diaries.  I did this the other day and I couldn’t stop laughing.  They’re so much fun to watch and remind me of how grateful I am for my life. 

The hardest part of this is honestly getting started. Don’t just tell yourself “Yeah, yeah I’m going to do it” and not follow through! Actually do it! Set those wheels in motion and just go! 

The reality is we all get in a rut at one time or another. A lot of it feels out of our control, but I’m here to tell you, you’re not alone. Like I said, the first and hardest step is deciding to stop the sulking and get back on track! Focus on things that are in your control. Remember your mood is temporary. The best part is YOU CAN DO IT! 



  1. December 10, 2018 / 2:34 pm


    • Olivia
      December 10, 2018 / 2:45 pm

      Aww!! Thank you SO much Caro! ❤️